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Reflexology improves the degree of homeostasis and assists the entire body system with the detoxing process. It helps the body control different types of pain and stress. Reflexology is preventive health care and excellent aftercare therapy for postoperative and post traumatic patients. In one session, the Reflexologist stimulates more than 14,000 nerves when touching both feet. This has the effect of clearing neural pathways which helps the client achieve a state of deep relaxation. It is highly recommended to combat anxiety and depression.
70 minutes session: Consultation - Reflexology - Reiki Energy Healing
Reflexology Benefits:
Induces deep relaxation- Reduce Stress
- Helps the body to balance itself
- Activates healing powers of the body
- Cleanses the body of toxins and impurities
- Stimulates lymphatic drainage
- Stimulates blood flow
- Balances the whole system
- Strengthen the immune system
- Boost the immunological defenses of adults and children
- Opens up energetic channels to the flow of healing energy
- Stimulates positive thinking
- Stimulates creativity and productivity
In one Reflexology session your body will receive stimulus on:
- Skeletal Muscular System
- Nervous System
- Respiratory System
- Cardiovascular System
- Circulatory System
- Digestive System
- Endocrine System
- Reproductive System
- Lymphatic System
It is possible to work Reflexology on the hand, face, ears and tongue. However, the foot reflex is more sensitive and efficacious.
Reflexology sessions done regularly will keep all body systems in balance. It promotes Homeostasis.
Several Health Insurance Plans provide cover for Reflexology Therapy. Please check with your own Health Insurer for details.
I advise against users of Holistic Therapies to partially or totally discontinue any medical or psychological treatments they are undergoing. Your doctors and/or health care providers should continue to monitor your health and recommend any changes in your treatment.