Massage induces relaxation which releases endorphins - the body pain relievers. Massaging the skin affects the mind, stimulates the immune system and improves overall body health.
Upper body massage therapy that focuses on the head, neck, and shoulders. It brings instant ache and pain relief because I use techniques to soften the tissues, ridding them of problem knots.
Myofascial Release - Trigger Point - Aromatherapy
ॐ 90 Minutes Session:
- Consultation
- Neck, Upper and Lower Back, Shoulder & Scalp Massage
- Reiki Energy Healing
- Essential oils are part of this treatment (optional)
- Crystals are used during Reiki
- Note that it is not a deep tissue massage.
I advise against users of Holistic Therapies to partially or totally discontinue any medical or psychological treatments they are undergoing. Your doctors and/or health care providers should continue to monitor your health and recommend any changes in your treatment.